It is with a heavy heart that we join many colleagues in remembering a groundbreaking researcher in the field of logic, deduction and knowledge representation and reasoning, Prof. Steffen Hölldobler. Prof. Hölldobler passed away in May 2023. He will be…
Author: Editors
Call for Papers: CP 2023
Twenty-Ninth Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2023 ( August 27-31, 2023, Toronto, Canada CP is the premier international event for presenting research in all aspects of computing with constraints, including, but not restricted to: theory, algorithms,…
Open Call: 39th International Conference on Logic Programming [Short, TC, BoF, Demo,Recent Pubs]
Open CALL FOR PAPERSThe 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023) London, UKJuly 9-15, 2023 ICLP 2023 will be an in-person event in London, UK. Scope Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been…
A New, Embeddable In-Browser Ciao Playground
We are excited to announce a new, embeddable playground for Ciao Prolog that runs locally in your browser thanks to WebAssembly: The Ciao Prolog Playground offers a very easy way to run and share Prolog code, directly from any modern…
CFP: PADL 2023
CFP: PADL 2023 Call for Papers 25th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2023) Boston, Massachusetts, United States, January 16-17, 2023 Co-located with ACM POPL 2023 Conference Description Declarative languages comprise several well-established classes of formalisms,…
CFP: Celebrating 50 Years of Prolog
Call for position papers celebrating the 50 year anniversary of Prolog, to be published by Springer in the LNAI series. As part of the 2022: The Year of Prolog celebrations, we are planning to publish a Volume in the Springer…
The novel interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral training programme LogiCS@TUWien – Logics for Computer Science is offering a further 10 full-time PhD positions. The program is co-funded by the European Commission and hosted by TU Wien, one of the…
Postdoc Opportunity
Postdoc applications are accepted for an RA position with Dr. Veronica Dahl (SFU) and Dr. Salvador Abreu (Universidade de Evora) for research and programming duties. Theme: Declarative and Constraint Modelling for Generating Socially and Environmentally Responsible Action Plans Application Deadline:…
50 Years of Prolog
The programming language Prolog saw the light of day fifty years ago.
To celebrate this anniversary, we declare 2022 Year of Prolog!
ICLP 2022 Call for papers
The 38th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2022) Haifa, Israel August 2-8, 2022 ICLP 2022 will be a physical event in Haifa, Israel Part of the FLOC 2022 Abstract registration: January 21, 2022 Paper submission: January…