- Learning efficient constraints in answer set programming, Alice Tarzariol
- Extensions and Applications of Probabilistic Logic Programming, Damiano Azzolini
- Integrated HEX-Algorithms and Applications in Machine Learning, Tobias Kaminski
- Logical Agents: Memory Management, Advanced Architectures and Applications, Valentina Pitoni
- A Formal Framework for Modelling and Analysing Safety-Critical Human Multitasking, Giovanna Broccia
- Towards Ethical Chatbots: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Ethical Behavior of Employees in Online Customer Service Chat, Abeer Dyoub
- Enhancing and Applying Answer Set Programming: Lazy Constraints, Partial Compilation and Question Answering, Bernardo Cuteri
- Extending IDP with second order logic, Ingmar Dasseville
- Timeline-based planning: Expressiveness and Complexity, Nicola Gigante
- Model Checking: the Interval Way, Alberto Molinari
- Reasoning about coroutines, Amr Hany Shehata Saleh
- Automated Reasoning via a Multi-sorted Fragment of Computable Set Theory with Applications to Semantic Web, Daniele Francesco Santamaria
- Abstraction for Reasoning about Agent Behavior with Answer Set Programming, Zeynep G. Saribatur
- Micro-Intelligence for the IoT: LP models and technologies, Roberta Calegari
- Inference and Learning Systems for Uncertain Relational Data, Giuseppe Cota
- Logic Programming in non-conventional environments, Stefano Germano
- Design and Implementation of a Modern ASP Grounder, Jessica Zangari
- Translators for interoperating and porting object-relational knowledge, Gen Zou
- Ontology-driven Information Extraction, Weronika Adrian
- From Logic Programming to Human Reasoning: How to be Artificially Human, Emmanuelle Dietz
- Probabilistic Reasoning and Learning for the Semantic Web, Riccardo Zese
- Paracoherent Answer Set Programming, Giovanni Amendola
- Portfolio Approaches in Constraint Programming, Roberto Amadini
- Computational tasks in answer set programming: algoritms and implementations, Carmine Dodaro
- Algebraic Approach to Causal Logic Programs, Jorge Fandiño
- A Portable Approach for Bidirectional Integration between a Logic and a Statically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language, Sergio Castro Mejia
- Logic Programming with Preferences on Rules, Alexander Šimko
- Bisimulation Techniques and Algorithms for Concurrent Constraint Programming, Andrés Alberto Aristizábal Pinzón
- Structured interactive scores: From a structural description of a multimedia scenario to a real-time capable implementation with formal semantics, Mauricio Toro-Bermudez
- Foundations of Communication-Centred Programming: Calculi, Logic & Types, Hugo-Andrés López-Acosta
- Automatic Parallelisation for Mercury, Paul Bone
- Modeling and Verification of real-time and cyber-physical systems, Neda Saeedloei
- Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs, Thomas Krennwallner
- Specification and Verification of Declarative Open Interaction Models – A Logic-based frameworkamic Magic Sets, Marco Montali
- Dynamic Magic Sets, Mario Alviano
- Proof Methods for Conditional and Preferential Logics, Gian Luca Pozzato
- Extension and Efficient Evaluation of Disjunctive Logic Programs, Francesco Calimeri
- Logic Engineering. The Case of Description and Hybrid Logics, Carlos Eduardo Areces
- Computable Set Theory and Logic Programming, Agostino Dovier
- Freeness and related analyses of constraint logic programs using abstract interpretation, Veroniek Dumortier