Category: Personal perspectives on LP

Preserving more of the history of logic programming (especially source code)

by Paul McJones Logic programming has a long and interesting history with a rich literature comprising newsletters and journals, monographs, and workshop and conference proceedings.  Much of that literature is accessible online, at least to people with the appropriate subscriptions.…

Some More History: The 1983 LP Workshop

Our friend Luis Moniz Pereira has shared with us another great piece of logic programming history – the proceedings and posters of the Logic Programming workshop that took place in Albufeira, Portugal on June 26-July 1, 1983. M. Pereira,…

Some History of the ALP Newsletter

Thanks to the great effort of Luis Moniz Pereira, we have now access to the issues of the ALP Newsletter published between 1981 and 1984. These are incredible readings!  Luís Moniz Pereira, editor. Logic Programming Newsletter, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Departamento de Informática. Issues…