Open Call: 39th International Conference on Logic Programming [Short, TC, BoF, Demo,Recent Pubs]

The 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023)

London, UK
July 9-15, 2023

ICLP 2023 will be an in-person event in London, UK.



Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been the premier international event for presenting research in logic programming. Contributions are sought in all areas of logic programming, including but not restricted to:

  • Theoretical Foundations.
  • Language Design and Programming Methodologies.
  • Program Analysis and Optimization.
  • Implementation Methodologies.
  • Related Paradigms, Integration, and Synergies.
  • Applications of Logic Programming.

Tracks and Special Sessions


  • Short Papers
  • Technical communications
  • Recently Published Journal/Conference Research
  • Demos
  • Proposals for Birds of a Feather Sessions

IS APRIL 28, 2023

  • Final notifications (all paper kinds): May 19, 2023
  • Camera-ready copy due (all paper kinds): May 26, 2023

(Deadlines expire at the end of the day, anywhere on earth.)


All submissions must be written in English.

Accepted papers will be published by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).
EPTCS format is described at

Submissions must be done via EasyChair. The submission Web page for ICLP2023 is


  • Technical Communications (14 pages in EPTCS format, including references)
    The accepted TC papers will be published in the Technical Communication Proceedings.
  • Short papers (7 pages in EPTCS format, including references).
    The accepted short papers will be published in the Technical Communication Proceedings.
  • Recently Published Research Track (2-3 pages in EPTCS format)
    Extended abstract describing previously published research (from January 2021 onwards) in selective journals and conferences, but that have not been previously presented at ICLP.   A title page should be appended to the submission with (i) details on the venue, where the original paper appeared, (ii) a link to the original paper, (iii) a paragraph describing why the authors believe this work warrants a presentation at ICLP. The extended abstracts will be published in the Technical Communication Proceedings.
  • System Demonstrations and BoF Proposals (2-3 pages in EPTCS format)
    System demonstrations should provide highlights of the novel features of the system, along with information about how to access it.
    BoF proposals should motivate the choice of the topic and its relevance to logic programming, describe the expected audience, identify discussion leaders and their expertise, and provide a brief description of the activities during the BoF session. We expect BoFs to be inclusive and involve active participation for attendees. Describe how your BoF will use inclusive practices and foster attendees involvement. The extended abstracts will be published in the Technical Communication Proceedings.


  • Technical Communications and Short Papers: these submissions represent an opportunity to present results which may be more preliminary and discuss cutting-edge ideas which are relevant to the domain of logic programming;
  • Recently Published Research Track: this track provides a forum to discuss important results related to logic programming that appeared recently (from January 2021 onwards) in selective journals and conferences, but have not been previously presented at ICLP.
  • System Demonstrations: we invite submissions showcasing logic programming systems and implementations in a live setting. This track is not designed to be sales pitches, demonstrations are a way for the community to see the relevance, potential, and innovation of the tool and allow time for discussion with its creator;
  • Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions: we invite proposals for sessions meant to provide an inclusive environment for colleagues with similar interests to meet for informal discussion. Proposers of BoF sessions should serve as discussion leaders only. BoFs are not intended to be presentations.

All accepted papers will be presented during the conference. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be
automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic 

Programming Newsletter at no cost.