By Stefan Woltran,
Vienna University of Technology,
Another very sad news
John McCarthy passed away this morning.
In Memoriam: Gaetano Aurelio Lanzarone
By Stefania Costantini
University of L’Aquila
Winter School on CP and CHR
Winter School on Constraint Programming and Constraint Handling Rules @ Univ. of Ulm, by Thom Fruehwirth.
Editorial, September 2011
Dear LPers, summer has gone and with them most of our meetings. Most of us are now back on our regular routine of teaching and preparing new research papers for the upcoming round of conferences. As some of you may…
In Memoriam: William H. Winsborough
by Sandro Etalle, Technical University of Eindhoven and University of Twente , The Netherlands
Moreno Falaschi, University of Siena, Italy