Are you back in office after vacation? Or are your still holding your feet into the sea or climbing mountains? In both cases, you can enjoy reading the contents of your favorite newsletter. We have three feature articles: Dynamic and…
Dynamic and Temporal Answer Set Programming on Linear Finite Traces
By Pedro Cabalar and Torsten Schaub,University of Corunna, Spain and University of Potsdam, Germany Download Paper
An Arboriculture Approach for Parallel SMT and Symbolic Model Checking
by M. Marescotti, A.E.J. Hyvärinen, N. SharyginaFormal Verification and Security LabUniversità della Svizzera ItalianaSwitzerland FULL PAPER Abstract: The inherent complexity of parallel computing makes development, resource monitoring, and debugging for parallel constraint-solving-based applications difficult. This paper presents SMTS, a framework for parallelizing sequential constraint…
Flattering Tax
by Paolo Baldan and Roberto Bruni
Universities of Padova and Pisa
INAP 2019: Call for Papers (Submission Deadline extended)
22nd International Conference on Applications ofDeclarative Programming and Knowledge Management Cottbus, Germany, September 9-13, 2019(part of Declare 2019: Important Dates — EXTENDED DEADLINES — Paper submission: June 24, 2019Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2019Camera-ready papers: August 5, 2019Early registration:…
WLP 2019: Call for Papers (Submission Deadline extended)
3rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming Cottbus, Germany, September 9-13, 2019(part of Declare 2019: Important Dates — EXTENDED DEADLINES — Paper submission: June 24, 2019Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2019Camera-ready papers: August 5, 2019Early registration: August 12, 2019Online Registration:…