The 13th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2017)
London, U.K., July 7-11, 2017
co-located with:
- RuleML+RR: International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning London, U.K., July 12-15, 2017 http://2017.ruleml-rr.org
- RuleML+RR Doctoral Consortium http://2017.ruleml-rr.org/doctoral-consortium/
- DecisionCAMP 2017, London, U.K., July 13-14, 2017 http://2017.ruleml-rr.org/decisioncamp-2017
- 11th International Rule Challenge, London, U.K., July 12-15, 2017 http://2017.ruleml-rr.org/calls/international-rule-challenge/
The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques which are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. The school is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to learn about Reasoning on the Semantic Web and related issues. In 2017, the theme of the school is:
“Semantic Interoperability on the Web”
As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. Most lecturers will also be present for the duration of the school to interact and establish contacts with the students.
The summer school is co-located with RuleML+RR, a conference that joins the well-known RuleML and RR event series, DecisionCAMP 2017, and the 11th International Rule Challenge, hence, there will be a great opportunity for students to also attend some major events in the area. In addition, RuleML+RR will also include a Doctoral Consortium and students of RW are particularly encouraged to also apply to the Doctoral consortium of RuleML+RR.
Participants to the school will be delivered on request a certificate of attendance indicating the number of hours of lectures. With this certificate, some institutions may assign official credits for the PhD program.
Application deadline: May 20, 2017 (extended)
Notifications: May 25, 2017
Registration deadline: May 31, 2017
- Andrea Calì (Birkbeck University of London, U.K.)
“Ontology querying: Datalog strikes back” - Thomas Eiter (Technical University of Wien, Austria)
“Answer Set Programming with External Source Access” - Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford, U.K.)
“Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web” - Marco Montali (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy)
“Ontology-based Data Access for Log Extraction in Process Mining” - Axel Polleres (Vienna University of Economics & Business, Austria)
“Challenges for Semantic Data Integration on the Web of Open Data” - Marie-Christine Rousset (University Grenoble-Alpes, Institut Universitaire de France)
“Datalog revisited for reasoning in Linked Data” - Torsten Schaub (University of Potsdam, Germany and Inria, Bretagne Atlantique, Rennes, France)
“A Tutorial on Hybrid Answer Set Solving” - Juan Sequeda (Capsenta, USA)
“Integrating Relational Databases with the Semantic Web” - Giorgos Stamou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
“Ontological query answering over semantic data”
The course material used during the summer school will be published within Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A copy of the proceedings will be included in the registration fees.
The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process. Applications have to be submitted via Easychair using the following URL:
Applications must be submitted in PDF format not exceeding 2 pages (min. font size 11pt) and contain the following information:
- Name, contact details
- Affiliation
- Motivation for participation
- Summary of profile
- Supervisor (if applicable)
- Publications (if applicable)
The fee for attending the school is 370 GBPs. The fee covers school registration, coffee breaks, and a copy of the school volume published as Springer LNCS proceedings. Joint Registration to RW and RuleML+RR is also possible, with a fee of 485 GBPs. Students that plan to participate to both RW and RuleML+RR have to indicate it in their application. Registrations will open after notifications are sent out and will be possible until May 31, 2017.
There is a limited number of student grants available for the summer school. Each grant will cover the school registration fee. Further grants are available for students participating in the RuleML+RR Doctoral Consortium who would like to extend their stay to also attend the summer school.
Students that are interested in applying for this grant, besides submitting their application to the school, must write an email to the school chairs ([email protected] and [email protected]) declaring their interest in the student grant, and providing a proof of full-time student status (copy of valid student ID card or letter from their institution or program director) and a short justification confirming that the attendance to RW 2017 could not be financed by other means such as project funds.
The deadline for applying to the student grants is May 20, 2017 (the same as the school application deadline).
Birkbeck, University of London, Malet St, London WC1E 7HX, UK
University of London offers accommodations in its student residences. Prices start from 47 GPBs per night. For details visit
All listed locations are within a walking distance of 15-20 minutes from the school venue.
- Chairs
- Giovambattista Ianni, Università della Calabria
- Domenico Lembo, Sapienza Università di Roma
- Scientific Advisory Board
- Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University
- Wolfgang Faber, University of Huddersfield
- Birte Glimm, Universität Ulm
- Georg Gottlob, Oxford University
- Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau
For further information including sponsorship opportunities, contact the school chairs ([email protected], [email protected])