Antonius Weinzierl1, Bart Bogaerts2, Jori Bomanson3, Thomas Eiter1,Gerhard Friedrich4, Tomi Janhunen3;5, Tobias Kaminski1, Michael Langowski1, Lorenz Leutgeb1, Gottfried Schenner6, Richard Taupe4;61 Institute of Logic and Computation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria2 Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium3…
In memoriam: Jan Małuszyński
Our friend, colleague and mentor Jan Małuszyński, age 79, passed away in his home on June 27th, 2020, after an extended battle with cancer. Our thoughts go, in particular, to Jan’s wife Gizela and their children Ania and Chris and…
CFP: Second miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop Thu 27 Aug 2020, Virtually Everywhere,Part of the 2020 International Conference on Functional Programming About mKW The miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop is a new workshop for the miniKanren family of relational (pure constraint logic programming) languages: miniKanren, microKanren,…
In Memoriam: Jan Maluszynski
It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Professor Jan Maluszynski and passed away after fighting a fatal illness for over a year. Prof. Maluszynski was one of the pioneers of logic programming, with important contributions in a…
The ILASP System for Inductive Learning of Answer Set Programs
By Mark Law, Alessandra Russo, Krysia BrodaILASP Limited and Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK Abstract The goal of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is to learn a program that explains a set of examples in the context of some…
In Memoriam: Christian Schulte
We are saddened to learn of the passing of Christian Schulte – an amazing researcher whose work has impacted many of us in the logic programming community. Maria Garcia de la Banda wrote a nice note about Christian for ACP…