By Broes De Cat, Bart Bogaerts, and Marc Denecker. Communicated by Marcello Balduccini and Tran Cao Son.
ICLP 2014 Report
By Tom Schrijvers and Michael Leuschel
Engineering Domain-Specific Languages with FORMULA 2.0
By Ethan K. Jackson, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. Communicated by John Gallagher and Michael Leuschel.
ASP Taking Action
By Michael Fink, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Post DOC position in KU Leuven, Belgium
Communicated by Tom Schrijvers
Editorial, June/July 2014
Hi all, apologies for the slight delay in the publication of this issue of the newsletter – the summer is a slow period and we have been moving slowly as well 🙂 . We hope that you are reading the new set…