At least 10 fully-funded studentships are available now and annually for the next five years at the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI (ART-AI) at the University of Bath. Our 4 year PhD programme will…
CFP: WiL 2019: 3rd Women in Logic Workshop
Call for Talks and Papers WiL 2019: 3rd Women in Logic Workshop Vancouver, Canada 23 June 2019 Affiliated with the Thirty-Fourth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 24-27 June 2019 ( We are holding the third Women…
OVERVIEW The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) at TU Wien (ViennaUniversity of Technology) seeks nominations for the VCLA InternationalStudent Awards 2019. The annually awarded VCLA International StudentAwards for Outstanding Master and Undergraduate Research (Bachelor)Theses (or equivalent) recognize authors…
Promotional access to ICLP 2018 proceedings
Cambridge University press have just launched a promotional access offer to the Volume 18 – Special Issue 3-4 – July 2018 of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Have a nice reading! Thanks to CUP for the fundamental role for…
Workshop Report: TAASP 2018
Workshop Report: Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP) 2018 By Stefan Woltran, TUWIEN, Austria The TAASP workshop series is jointly organized by research groups at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Technische Universität Wien, and Universität Potsdam. TAASP 2018 was the second…
The SAT Compiler in Picat
By Neng-Fa Zhou (CUNY Brooklyn College & Graduate Center) Abstract SAT solvers’ performance has drastically improved during the past 20 years, thanks to the inventions of techniques from conflict-driven clause learning, backjumping, variable and value selection heuristics, to random restarts.…