Planning as theorem proving in situation calculus was abandoned 50 years ago as an impossible project. But we have developed a Theorem Proving Lifted Heuristic (TPLH) planner that searches for a plan in a tree of situations using the A*…
Category: Feature Articles
Extensions of Logic Programming in Maude
By Santiago Escobar, VRAIN, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain AbstractIn 2022/2023, the logic programming community is celebrating the milestone of 50 years of evolution of logic programming languages, started in 1972 with the first version of Prolog. In this paper,…
DaRLing: a Datalog OWL 2 RL Rewriter
By Alessio Fiorentino, Marco Manna, and Jessica ZangariUniversity of Calabria, Rende, Italy ABSTRACT Ontology-mediated query answering (OMQA) is an emerging paradigm atthe basis of many semantic-centric applications. In this setting, a conjunctive query has to be evaluated against a knowledge…
The Alpha Solver for Lazy-Grounding Answer-Set Programming
Antonius Weinzierl1, Bart Bogaerts2, Jori Bomanson3, Thomas Eiter1,Gerhard Friedrich4, Tomi Janhunen3;5, Tobias Kaminski1, Michael Langowski1, Lorenz Leutgeb1, Gottfried Schenner6, Richard Taupe4;61 Institute of Logic and Computation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria2 Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium3…
The ILASP System for Inductive Learning of Answer Set Programs
By Mark Law, Alessandra Russo, Krysia BrodaILASP Limited and Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK Abstract The goal of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is to learn a program that explains a set of examples in the context of some…
Polyvariant program specialisation and its application in program analysis and verification
By John P. Gallagher, Roskilde University, Denmark and IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, [email protected] Abstract: Specialisation is a program transformation that transforms a program with respect to given constraints that restrict its behaviour. Typically, the goal is to optimise a program, but specialisation can also…
Dynamic and Temporal Answer Set Programming on Linear Finite Traces
By Pedro Cabalar and Torsten Schaub,University of Corunna, Spain and University of Potsdam, Germany Download Paper
An Arboriculture Approach for Parallel SMT and Symbolic Model Checking
by M. Marescotti, A.E.J. Hyvärinen, N. SharyginaFormal Verification and Security LabUniversità della Svizzera ItalianaSwitzerland FULL PAPER Abstract: The inherent complexity of parallel computing makes development, resource monitoring, and debugging for parallel constraint-solving-based applications difficult. This paper presents SMTS, a framework for parallelizing sequential constraint…
Flattering Tax
by Paolo Baldan and Roberto Bruni
Universities of Padova and Pisa
Learning & Reasoning for Logic-Based Complex Event Recognition
Alexander Artikis Nikos Katzouris Institute of Informatics, National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”, Athens, GreeceUniversity of Pireaus, Pireaus, Greece Abstract Complex Event Recognition (CER) refers to the detection of special events of interest in a multitude of large, heterogeneous…