By J. Leite,
New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Category: Asyncronous News
CFP: Argumentation Technologies@CLIMA XIV
By Paolo Torroni,
University of Bologna, Italy
CFP: CILC 2013
CILC 2013, 28th Italian Meeting on Computational Logics, Catania (Sicily),Sept 25-27, 2013.
CFP: WFLP 2013
22nd International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming 27th Workshop on Logic Programming part of the Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013 September 11-13, 2013, Kiel, Germany GENERAL WFLP 2013 is the combination of two workshops of a successful…
CFP: PPDP 2013
Call for papers: 15th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP 2013, Madrid, Spain, September 16-18, 2013
The European Master’s Program in Computational Logic
The European Master’s Program in Computational Logic, by Steffen Hoelldobler, TU Dresden
CFP: RR 2013
RR 2013,
The 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems,
Mannheim, Germany, July 27-29, 2013
Job Opportunity: SILK
by Terrance Swift,
SUNY Stony Brook, USA
CFP: ICLP 2013
Call For Papers: ICLP 2013. Istanbul, Turkey, August 24-28, 2013
Call For Papers: LPNMR 2013. Corunna, Spain, Sept 15-19, 2013. Deadline April 24 2013.