Please use the TPLP citation in your papers, not the corr one!
Volume 12 – Issue 01-02 Special Issue on Prolog Systems (Jan 2012)
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Prolog Systems Bart Demoen and Maria Garcia de la Banda. 1-4
- The YAP Prolog system Vítor Santos Costa, Luís Damas and Ricardo Rocha. 5-34
- SICStus Prolog—the first 25 years Mats Carlsson and Per Mildner, 35-66
- SWI-Prolog Jan Wielemaker, Tom Schrijvers, Markus Triska and Torbjörn Lager, 67-96
- The BinProlog experience: architecture and implementation choices for continuation passing Prolog and first-class logic engines Paul Tarau, 97-126
- ECLiPSe – from LP to CLP Joachim Schimpf and Kish Shen, 127-156
- XSB: Extending Prolog with tabled logic programming Terrance Swift and David S. Warren, 157-187
- The language features and architecture of B-Prolog Neng-Fa Zhou, 189-218
- An overview of Ciao and its design philosophy M. V. Hermenegildo, F. Bueno, M. Carro, P. López-García, E. Mera, J. F. Morales, and G. Puebla, 219-252
- On the implementation of GNU Prolog Daniel Diaz, Salvador Abreu, Philippe Codognet, 253-282
Volume 12 – Issue 03 (May 2012)
- Certificate size reduction in abstraction-carryng code. Elvira Albert, Puri Arenas, Germán Puebla, and Manuel Hermenegildo, 283-318.
- A design and implementation of the Extended Andorra Model. Ricardo Lopes, Vítor Santos Costa, and Fernando Silva, 319-360.
- Team-building with answer set programming in the Gioia-Tauro seaport.F. Ricca, G. Grasso, M. Alviano, M. Manna, V. Lio, S. Iiritano and N. Leone, 361-381
- Representing first-order causal theories by logic programs. Paolo Ferraris, Joohyung Lee, Yuliya Lierler, Vladimir Lifschitz, and Fangkai Yang, 383-412.
Book Reviews
- Models and Games by Jouko Väänänen, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Reviewed by Panos Rondogiannis, 413-416
- Logic: a Brief Course by Daniele Mundici, Springer, 2012. Reviewed by Krzysztof R. Apt, 417-419
Volume 12 – Issue 4-5 (July 2012) Special Issue on the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming.
- Introduction to the 28th international conference on logic programming special issue. Agostino Dovier and Vìtor Santos Costa. 421-426.
- Towards Multi-Threaded Local Tabling Using a Common Table Space. Miguel Areias and Ricardo Rocha. 427-443
- D-FLAT: Declarative Problem Solving Using Tree Decompositions and Answer-Set Programming. Bernhard Bliem, Michael Morak and Stefan Woltran. 445-464
- Compiling Finite Domain Constraints to SAT with BEE. Amit Metodi and Michael Codish. 465-483
- ASP modulo CSP: The clingcon system. Max Ostrowski and Torsten Schaub. 485-483.
- Inference in Probabilistic Logic Programs with Continuous Random Variables. Muhammad Islam, C.R. Ramakrishnan and I.V. Ramakrishnan. 505-523
- Multi-threaded ASP Solving with clasp. Martin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann and Torsten Schaub. 525-545
- Efficient Tabling of Structured Data with Enhanced Hash-Consing. Neng-Fa Zhou and Christian Theil Have. 547-563
- Relational Theories with Null Values and Non-Herbrand Stable Models. Vladimir Lifschitz, Karl Pichotta and Fangkai Yang. 565-582
- Annotation of Logic Programs for Independent AND-Parallelism by Partial Evaluation. German Vidal. 583-600.
- SMCHR: Satisfiability Modulo Constraint Handling Rules. Gregory Duck. 601-618.
- Annotating Answer-Set Programs in LANA. Marina De Vos, Doga Gizem Kisa, Johannes Oetsch, Jörg Pührer and Hans Tompits. 619-637.
- An Improved Proof-Theoretic Compilation of Logic Programs. Iliano Cervesato. 639-657.
- Conflict-driven ASP Solving with External Sources. Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Thomas Krennwallner and Christoph Redl. 659-679
- Model Checking with Probabilistic Tabled Logic Programming. Andrey Gorlin, C. R. Ramakrishnan and Scott Smolka. 691-700
- Disjunctive Datalog with Existential Quantifiers: Semantics, Decidability, and Complexity Issues. Mario Alviano, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone and Marco Manna. 701-718
- Module Theorem for the General Theory of Stable Models. Joseph Babb and Joohyung Lee. 719-735
- Diagrammatic confluence for Constraint Handling Rules. Rémy Haemmerlé. 737-753
- Lightweight Compilation of (C)LP to JavaScript. Jose F. Morales, Rémy Haemmerlé, Manuel Carro and Manuel Hermenegildo. 755-773
- Typed Answer Set Programming Lambda Calculus and Corresponding Inverse Lambda Algorithms. Chitta Baral, Juraj Dzifcak, Marcos Gonzalez and Aaron Gottesman. 775-791
- The Relative Expressiveness of Defeasible Logics. Michael Maher. 793-810.
Volume 12 – Issue 6 (Nov. 2012)
- Reducing fuzzy answer set programming to model finding in fuzzy logics. Jeroen Janssen, Dirk Vermeir, Steven Schockaert, and Martine De Cock. 811-842
- Contextual hypotheses and semantics of logic programs. Éric A. Martin. 843-887
- Coding guidelines for Prolog. Michael A. Covington, Roberto Bagnara, Richard A. O’Keefe, Jan Wielemaker And Simon Price. 889-927
- A simple correctness proof for magic transformation. Włodzimierz Drabent. 929 – 936
- Book Review: Unification Grammars by Nissim Francez and Shuly Wintner, Cambridge 2012, Reviewed by Mark-Jan Nederhof