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Volume 11, Issue 1. January 2011
Regular Papers
- Efficient local unfolding with ancestor stacks ,
German Puebla, Elvira Albert and Manuel Hermenegildo (pp 1-32) - Polytool: polynomial interpretations as a basis for termination analysis of Logic programs ,
Manh Thang Nguyen, Danny De Schreye, Jürgen Giesl and Peter Schneider-Kamp (pp 33-63) - Analyzing graph transformation systems through constraint handling rules. ,
Frank Raiser and Thom Frühwirth (pp 65-109)
Technical Notes
- Guarded resolution for answer set programming ,
Victor W. Marek and Jeffrey B. Remmel (pp 111-123)
Book reviews
- Constraint Handling Rules by Thom Frühwirth Cambridge University Press, 2009, hard cover: ISBN 978-0-521-87776-3 ,
by Eric Monfroy (pp 125-126) - Introduction to Mathematics of Satisfiability by Victor W. Marek Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009 Hardback, ISBN-13: 9781439801673, $ 89.95 ,
by Marijn Heule (pp 126-130)
Volume 11, Issue 2-3. March 2011
Special Issue on the 24th International Conference on Logic Programming
- Introduction to the 24th international conference on logic programming special issue ,
María García de la Banda and Enrico Pontelli (pp 131-133) - Abstract answer set solvers with backjumping and learning ,
Yuliya Lierler (pp 135-169) - A general framework for equivalences in answer-set programming by countermodels in the logic of here-and-there ,
Michael Fink (pp 171-202) - Functional answer set programming ,
Pedro Cabalar (pp 203-233) - On the implementation of the probabilistic logic programming language ProbLog ,
Angelika Kimmig, Bart Demoen, Luc De Raedt, Vítor Santos Costa, Ricardo Rocha (pp 235-262) - Products of weighted logic programs ,
Shay B. Cohen, Robert J. Simmons, Noah A. Smith ([[ 263-296) - Solving functional constraints by variable substitution ,
Yuanlin Zhang and Roland H.C. Yap (pp 297-322) - Detecting inconsistencies in large biological networks with answer set programming ,
Martin Gebser, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele, and Philippe Veber (pp 323-360) - Reasoning support for risk prediction and prevention in independent living ,
Alessandra Mileo, Davide Merico, Roberto Bisiani (pp 361-395) - Automatic music composition using answer set programming ,
Georg Boenn, Martin Brain, Marina De Vos and John ffitch (pp 397-427)
Volume 11, Issue 4-5. July 2011
- Introduction to the 27th international conference on logic programming special issue
John Gallager and Michael Gelfond - The PITA System: Tabling and Answer Subsumption for Reasoning under Uncertainty
Fabrizio Riguzzi and Terrance Swift. (pp. 433 – 449) - ALPprolog — A New Logic Programming Method for Dynamic Domains
Conrad Drescher and Michael Thielscher. (pp. 451 – 468) - Observational equivalences for Linear Logic CC languages
Rémy Haemmerlé. (pp. 469 – 485) - Abstract Diagnosis of Timed Concurrent Constraint programs
Marco Comini, Laura Titolo and Alicia Villanueva. (pp. 487 – 502) - SAT-Based Termination Analysis Using Monotonicity Constraints over the Integers
Amir M. Ben-Amram, Michael Codish, Carsten Fuhs, Jürgen Giesl and Igor Gonopolskiy. (pp. 503 – 520) - Non-termination Analysis of Logic Programs with integer arithmetics
Dean Voets and Daniel De Schreye. (pp. 521 – 536) - RedAlert: Determinacy Inference for Prolog
Jael Kriener and Andy King. (pp. 537 – 553) - Parallel Backtracking with Answer Memoing for Independent And-Parallelism
Pablo Chico De Guzmán, Amadeo Casas, Manuel Carro and Manuel Hermenegildo. (pp. 555 – 574) - Estimating the overlap between dependent computations for automatic parallelization
Paul Bone, Zoltan Somogyi and Peter Schachte. (pp. 575 – 591) - (Co-)Inductive Semantics for Constraint Handling Rules
Rémy Haemmerlé. (pp. 593 – 609) - A Structured Alternative to Prolog with Simple Compositional Semantics
António Porto. (pp. 611 – 627) - Transition Systems for Model Generators — A Unifying Approach
Yuliya Lierler and Miroslaw Truszczynski. (pp. 629 – 646) - Actual causation in CP-logic
Joost Vennekens. (pp. 647 – 662) - The Magic of Logical Inference in Probabilistic Programming
Bernd Gutmann, Ingo Thon, Angelika Kimmig, Maurice Bruynooghe and Luc De Raedt. (pp. 663 – 680) - On Combining Linear-Based Strategies for Tabled Evaluation of Logic Programs
Miguel Areias and Ricardo Rocha. (pp. 681 – 696) - Efficient Instance Retrieval of Subgoals for Subsumptive Tabled Evaluation of Logic Programs
Flavio Cruz and Ricardo Rocha. (pp. 697 – 712) - On the Correctness of Pull-Tabbing
Sergio Antoy. (pp. 713 – 730) - Optimal Placement of Valves in a Water Distribution Network with CLP(FD)
Massimiliano Cattafi, Marco Gavanelli, Maddalena Nonato, Stefano Alvisi and Marco Franchini. (pp. 731 – 747) - Automatic Network Reconstruction using ASP
Max Ostrowski, Torsten Schaub, Markus Durzinsky, Wolfgang Marwan and Annegret Wagler. (pp.749 – 766) - Constraint-Based Deadlock Checking of High-Level Specifications
Michael Leuschel and Stefan Hallerstede. (pp. 767 – 782) - Normative Design using Inductive Learning
Domenico Corapi, Alessandra Russo, Marina De Vos, Julian Padget and Ken Satoh. (pp. 783 – 799) - Splitting and Updating Hybrid Knowledge Bases
Martin Slota, Joao Leite and Terrance Swift. (pp. 801 – 819) - Complex Optimization in Answer Set Programming
Martin Gebser, Roland Kaminski and Torsten Schaub. (pp. 821 – 839)
Volume 11 – Issue 06
Regular papers
- Edmund S. L. Lam and Martin Sulzmann.
Concurrent goal-based execution of Constraint Handling Rules. 841-879 - MIROSŁAW TRUSZCZYŃSKI.
Trichotomy and dichotomy results on the complexity of reasoning with disjunctive logic programs. 881-904. - Luciano Caroprese and MIROSŁAW TRUSZCZYŃSKI.
Active integrity constraints and revision programming. 905-952. - Martin Gebser, Joohyoung Lee, and Yuliya Lierler.
On elementary loops of logic programs. 853-988.
Book Review
- Mathematical Logic: Foundations for Information Science by Wei Li, Birkhäuser, Berlin, 2010. Hardcover, ISBN-978-3-7643-9976-4. Reviewed by Rossella Gennari.