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Volume 5, Issue 1 & 2. March 2005
Regular Papers
- Enhanced sharing analysis techniques: a comprehensive evaluation. Roberto Bagnara, Enea Zaffanella, Patricia M. Hill (pp 1-43)
- Weight constraints as nested expressions. Paolo Ferraris and Vladimir Lifschitz (pp 45-74)
- Inferring Termination Conditions for Logic Programs using Backwards Analysis. Samir Genaim, Michael Codish (pp 75-91)
- A uniform approach to logic programming semantics. Pascal Hitzler and Matthias Wendt (pp 93-121)
- Abductive Logic Programs with Penalization: Semantics, Complexity and Implementation. Simona Perri, Francesco Scarcello, Nicola Leone (pp 123-159)
- On Applying Or-Parallelism and Tabling to Logic Programs. Ricardo Rocha, Fernando Silva, Vitor Santos Costa (pp 161-205)
- A Parameterised Hierarchy of Argumentation Semantics for Extended Logic Programming and its Application to the Well-founded Semantics. Ralf Schweimeier and Michael Schroeder (pp 207-242)
Technical Note
- cTI: A constraint-based termination inference tool for ISO-Prolog. Fred Mesnard and Roberto Bagnara (pp 243-257)
Programming Pearl
- Computing convex hulls with a linear solver. Florence Benoy and Andy King and Fred Mesnard(pp 259-271)
Volume 5, Issue 3. May 2005
Regular Papers
- Specialization of functional logic programs based on needed narrowing , Maria Alpuente, Salvador Lucas, Michael Hanus and German Vidal. (pp 273-303)
- A treatment of higher-order features in logic programming , Gopalan Nadathur. pp 305-354
- On termination of meta-programs, Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. (pp 355-390)
Book reviews:
- Bart Demoen: Programming in Prolog. Using the ISO Standard by William F. Clocksin , Christopher S. Mellish, Springer-Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-540-00678-8, xiii + 299 pages [html] [pdf] (pp 391-395)
- Nachum Dershowitz: Term Rewriting Systems by Marc Bezem, Jan Willem Klop, and Roel de Vrijer, eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 55, 2003, hard cover: ISBN 0-521-39115-6, xxii + 884 pages [html] [pdf] (pp 395-399)
Volume 5, Issue 4&5. Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules
- Special issue on constraint handling rules. Guest editors’ introduction , Slim Abdennadher, Thom Fruehwirth, Christian Holzbaur. Vol 5(4&5) pp 401-402
- Automatic Generation of CHR Constraint Solvers, Slim Abdennadher and Christophe Rigotti. pp 403-418
- A CHR-based Implementation of Known Arc-Consistency, Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Michela Milano. pp 419-440
- Schedulers and redundancy for a class of constraint propagation rules, Sebastian Brand and Krzysztof R. Apt. pp 441-465
- CHR grammars, Henning Christiansen. pp 467-501
- Optimizing compilation of constraint handling rules in HAL, Christian Holzbaur, Maria Garcia de la Banda, Peter J. Stuckey, Gregory J. Duck. pp 503-531
- FLUX: A logic programming method for reasoning agents, Michael Thielscher. pp 533-565
Book reviews:
- Yves Deville: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi, MIT Press, 2004, hard cover: ISBN 0-262-22069-5, xxvii + 900 pages, 55 US$ [html] [pdf] pp 595-600
Volume 5, Issue 6. November 2005
Regular Papers
- Integrating design synthesis and assembly of structured objects in a visual design language, Omid Banyasad, Philip T. Cox. pp 601-622
- Checking modes of HAL progams , Maria Garcia de la Banda, Warwick Harvey, Kim Marriott, Peter J. Stuckey, Bart Demoen.pp 623-668
- Proving correctness and completeness of normal programs – a declarative approach, W{\l}odzimierz Drabent, Miros{\l}awa Mi{\l}kowska. pp 669-711
- Optimization of bound disjunctive queries with constraints , Gianluigi Greco, Sergio Greco, Irina Trubitsyna, Ester Zumpano.pp 713-745
Technical Note
- Normal forms for answer sets programming , Stefania Costantini and Alessandro Provetti. pp 747-76