ALP can sponsor invited talks at conferences and student grants for conference/school participation. Detailed guidelines are reported below.
1. Conference Sponsorship
ALP sponsors invited talks at international conferences. Here are the guidelines for eligibility and duties of sponsored conferences.
ALP sponsorship entitles you to use ALP’s name and logo when advertising the event.
ALP’s name and logo has to be linked to on the official conference web site.
The conference will appear on the ALP website under the heading “ALP Sponsored Conferences”.
A short announcement about the conference will be included in the ALP newsletter, which is distributed to the ALP members.
ALP sponsorship confers no direct financial support or liability.
In order to help make direct financial support of future events possible, ALP asks all organizers of events that it sponsors to consider making a donation to ALP out of any surplus in the event that these are suitably large.
For application please contact the president of ALP.
Which conferences are eligible for sponsorship?
Any national and international conference, workshop, or school is eligible.
What is sponsorship for, and how much?
Sponsorship is usually given for an invited talk or tutorial.
The subject of the talk must be related to logic programming.
Depending on the costs, ALP can pay for the travel and local costs of the speaker, or for only a part of them.
The maximum amount is 1000 EUR, but there can be exceptions if the request is well-argumented.
What are the duties of the sponsored conference?
The conference must properly acknowledge that the invited talk is an ALP talk.
This must be acknowledged in the program on the website, on the printed program, and must be announced orally before the talk is given.
The name of the invited speaker, title and abstract of the talk, and conference details must be sent in due time to the editors of the ALP newsletter for announcement.
Can a conference apply several times?
Yes, provided that it fulfilled the duties in the past.
However, if several conferences apply and ALP cannot sponsor them all, priority will be given to those that have never been sponsored, or not been sponsored recently, by ALP.
2. Student Travel Grant Program
ALP offers travel grants to assist
- students presenting papers on logic programming related topics at conferences
- students attending schools on logic programming
Which students are eligible for sponsorship?
Students at all levels are eligible. They must demonstrate interest in an area of logic programming.
Only one student author per paper will be awarded a travel grant and a student can receive only one grant per year.
Participants of ICLP’s doctoral consortium and school are not eligible; their sponsorship is directly handled by the organizers of the doctoral consortium.
What is grant for, and how much?
The awards are for reimbursement of travel and partial payment of registration fees.
The reason for the travel must be related to logic programming.
The maximum amount is 500 EUR, but there can be exceptions, if the request is well-argumented.
What are the duties of a sponsored student?
A presentation must include an acknowledgment to ALP sponsoring.
The title and abstract of a presented paper along with conference details must be sent in due time to the editors of the ALP newsletter for announcement.
Can a student apply several times?
Yes, provided that she/he fulfilled the duties in the past.
However, if several students apply and ALP cannot sponsor them all, priority will be given to those that have never been sponsored by ALP.
Application procedure
Please include the following information.
- A brief CV, including current professional status (PhD student, postdoc, teaching staff, research staff, etc.) and a list of publications.
- Letter or other evidence of professional status and confirmation that the applicant will be allowed to leave to attend the event from a Department Head, Professor or Supervisor. This also needs to state that the additional funds needed to attend will be available.
- The bank account number (IBANcode) and name of account holder on which the travel grant should be paid if awarded.
- A case for support, 1 page, which includes reasons why ALP should make the award to the applicant and a description of the part the applicant will play in the event. This will for instance be the presentation of a paper.