Tenth International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP’93)
Budapest, Hungary
June 21-25, 1993
124 papers were submitted to the conference, of which 45 were accepted. The conference program included:
- Invited Speakers:
Ivan Futo, David H Warren, Anil Nerode, Shalom Tsur - Tutorialists:
Gopal Gupta, Michael Gelfond, Pascal van Hentenryck, VS Subrahmainan
A poster session was also organized. The ICLP 1995 Proceedings were published with MIT Press. Contents and proper bibtex entries are available from DBLP.
Some workshops were colocated
- Concurrent, Distributed & Parallel Implementations of Logic Programming Systems (Giancarlo Succi, Giancarlo Colla)
- Practical Implementations and Systems Experience in Logic Programming Systems – Concurrent, Distributed, and Parallel Implementations of Logic Programming Systems (Evan Tick, Giancarlo Succi)
- Concurrent Constraint Programming (Christian Schulte, Gert Smolka)
- Blackboard-Based Logic Programming (Koen De Bosschere, Jean-Marie Jacquet, Paul Tarau)
- Logic Programming with Sets (Eugenio G. Omodeo and Gianfranco Rossi)
- General Chair: Peter Szeredi
- Program Chair: David S. Warren
- Posters Co-Chairs: Lutz Plumer and Pascal van Hentenryck
- Program Commitee: Hassan Ait-KAci, Weidong Chen, William F. Clocksin, Pierre Deransart, Danny De Schreye, Wlodzen Drabent, Laurent Fribourg, Michael Gelfond, Gopal Gupta, Tim Hickey, Jan Maluszynski, Maurizio Martelli, Lee Naish, Luts Plumer, Antonio Porto, Yehoshua Sagiv, Taisuke Sato, Marek Sergot, Petr Stepanek, Peter Stuckey, V.S. Subrahmanian, Peter Szeredi, Pascal van Hentenryck, Andrei Voronkov, Mark Wallace, David S. Warren, Kasumasa Yokota.