24th International Conference on Logic Programming
December 9-13 2008, Udine, Italy
Since the first conference held in Marseilles in 1982, ICLP has been the premier international conference for presenting research in logic programming. Contributions (papers and posters) are sought in all areas of logic programming. For more information about ICLP in general, you can also check previous ICLP conferences. ICLP 2008 will be held in the city of Udine, the capital of the historical region of Friuli, Italy. Conference Poster
Conference Program
The program included the two invited speakers
- Pedro Domingos: Learning, Logic, and Probability: A Unified View
- Vitor Santos Costa: The Life of a Logic Programming System
and the four tutorials
- Tom Schrijvers: Constraint Handling Rules, a Tutorial for
(Prolog) Programmers - Angelo Montanari: Back to Interval Temporal Logics
- Carla Piazza and Alberto Policriti: Systems Biology: Models and Logics
- Peter O’Hearn: Separation Logic Tutorial
Moreover, the special session on 20 Years of Stable Model Semantics was an invited session with position papers:
- Michael Gelfond: Authorization and Obligation Policies in
Dynamic Systems - Vladimir Lifschitz: Twelve Definitions of a Stable Model
- David Pearce: Sixty Years of Stable Models
- Nicola Leone: The DLV Project: a Tour from Theory and Research to
Applications and Market - Ilkka Niemela: Answer Set Programming without Unstratified
Negation - Victor Marek: Quo Vadis Answer Set Programming?
- Chitta Baral: Using Answer Set Programming for Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning: Future Directions - Marc Denecker: Building a Knowledge Base System
for an Integration of Logic Programming and Classical Logic - Torsten Schaub: Here’s the Beef: Answer Set Programming!
- Thomas Eiter: SMS and ASP: Hype or TST?
The conference program included a visit to museo diocesano and Tiepolo’s paintings, a travel and visit to Villa Deciani, and a social banquet.
Complete list of regular contributions is available from the DBLP Database
- General Chair: Agostino Dovier (University of Udine)
- Program Co-Chairs: Maria Garcia de la Banda (Monash University)
Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University) - Workshop Chair: Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University)
- Doctoral Student Consortium: David Warren (SUNY Stony Brook)
Tom Schrijvers (K.U. Leuven) - Publicity Co-Chairs: Marcello Balduccini (Kodak Research Labs)
Alessandro Dal Palù (University of Parma) - Programming Competition Chair: Bart Demoen (K.U. Leuven)
- 20 Years of Stable Models: Mirek Truszczynski (University of
Kentucky) Andrea Formisano (University of Perugia) - Program Commitee: Salvador Abreu, Sergio Antoy, Pedro Barahona, Chitta Baral, Gerhard, Brewka, Manuel Carro, Michael Codish, Alessandro Dal Palù, Bart Demoen, Agostino Dovier, John Gallagher, Michael Gelfond, Carmen Gervet, Gopal Gupta, Manuel Hermenegildo, Andy King, Michael Maher, Juan Moreno Navarro, Alberto Pettorossi, Brigitte Pientka, Gianfranco Rossi, Fariba Sadri, Vitor Santos Costa, Tran Cao Son, Paolo Torroni, Frank Valencia, Mark Wallace
- Organizing Committee: Alberto Casagrande, Raffaele Cipriano, Elisabetta De Maria, Luca Di Gaspero, Carla Piazza.
- Celebrating 20 Years of Stable Models Semantics. Special session of ICLP-08 dedicated to discuss the influence of stable model semantics on the field of logic programming. The year 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of the publication that introduced the stable model semantics for logic programs with negation. The paper titled The stable semantics for logic programs by Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz was presented at ICLP-1988. It was a momentous event that gave rise to a vibrant subfield of logic programming known now as the answer-set programming. Its distinguishing aspects are close connections to the fields of knowledge representation, satisfiability and constraint satisfaction, ever faster computational tools, and a growing list of successful applications. To celebrate the stable-model semantics, there will be a special session at ICLP 2008 dedicated to answer-set programming. The session will feature talks by Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz, as well as by other major contributions to the field, presenting personal perspectives on the stable-model semantics, its impact and its future. There will be a session of position papers, and regular accepted ICLP papers falling into the answer-set programming area will complete the program.
- Fourth Doctoral Consortium The 2008 ICLP Doctoral Consortium (DC) is the fourth international doctoral consortium to be offered as part of the International Conference on Logic Programming. The DC will take place during ICLP 2008 in Udine, Italy. The Doctoral Consortium is designed for doctoral students working in areas related to logic programming, as well as Master’s students interested in pursuing doctoral degrees in the field of logic programming. The Doctoral Consortium aims to provide students with an opportunity to present and discuss their research directions and to obtain feedback from peers as well as world-renowned experts in the field. The Doctoral Consortium will also offer invited speakers and panel discussions.
- Workshops The ICLP’08 program will include five workshops. They are perhaps the best place for the presentation of preliminary work, novel ideas, and new open problems to a more focused and specialized audience. Workshops also provide a venue for presenting specialised topics and opportunities for intensive discussions and project collaboration in any areas related to logic programming, including cross-disciplinary areas. These workshops are co-located with ICLP 2008:
- ASPOCP 2008 – Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms PROCEEDINGS
- WG17 (Working Group on ISO Prolog)
- ALPSWS 2008 – Applications of Logic Programming to the (Semantic) Web and Web Services PROCEEDINGS
- WLPE 2008 – Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments PROCEEDINGS
- CICLOPS 2008 – Colloquium on Implementation of Constrain and LOgic Programming Systems PROCEEDINGS
Opening Ceremony 20 Years of Stable Model Semantics 20 Years of Stable Model Semantics Michael Gelfond Vladimir Lifschitz Agostino Dovier Maria Garcia de la Banda and Enrico Pontelli Veronica Dahl Vitor Santos Costa Nicola Leone Ilka Niemela et al Bart Demoen Yuliya Lierler Pedro Domingos Thomas Eiter and Andrea Formisano David Pearce Manuel Hermenegildo Tom Schrijvers