Las Cruses, New Mexico
Nov 29 – Dec 4, 1999
ICLP’99 will be organized in an integrated, theme-based way, with workshops, tutorials, invited talks and regular conference presentations grouped along key topics. In addition, there is a fully open poster session.
Special discount rates have been negotiated with the hotels. You can stay for as little as $25 per night in one of the (quite decent) conference hotels, provided you pair up with someone. A message area has been provided at the ICLP website where you can communicate with others to find a room-mate.
The registration fee has been kept to the minimum possible. Just registering for ICLP allows you to attend any one of the seven ICLP’99 satellite workshops that, for the first time, are being held concurrently with the main program. Special student registration rate has been provided, which includes the conference proceedings as well as the Banquet.
The conference will be held in Las Cruces, a small desert town in southern New Mexico; famous for its red and green chilis, hot Mexican food, and its old western traditions. Las Cruces and its surrounding areas have numerous tourist attractions. We hope that you will have the time to visit some of these attractions during your stay.
The weather in Las Cruces during the winter is quite mild. If you live in the Northern latitudes, ICLP’99 gives a chance to escape the winter in your homeland, at least for a few days.
A sightseeing trip to the world renowned White Sands National Monument is planned on the last day of the conference.
ICLP’99 is being held together with LPNMR’99. and NLULP’99. Special reduced registration rates are available for those attending LPNMR’99 or NLULP’99 along with ICLP’99.
The conference proceedings are published by MIT Press. Contents (by DBLP).
Associated Workshops
Seven workshops will be organised in conjunction with the main conference. At ICLP’99, workshops will be treated much more as first-class conference events than at the previous ICLP conferences. The workshops have long been experienced as lively and productive forums for discussing promising new directions and ongoing work. They are crucial for the success of the main conference. Therefore, at ICLP’99, the workshops will be integrated in a theme-based fashion with the regular sessions, invited talks, tutorials and poster sessions. They will not be ‘post-conference’ workshops, but THE KEY ACTIVITY of the conference’s afternoon events.
The role of workshops is to provide a platform for the presentation of preliminary work or novel ideas in a less formal way than the conference itself. It is an opportunity to disseminate work in progress, particularly for new researchers. It also provides a venue for presenting more specialised topics and opportunities for more intensive discussions and exchange of ideas. The topics of the workshops can cover any area related to logic programming and any related cross-disciplinary areas. Workshops are particularly appropriate for specialized subcommunities of researchers for whom a larger workshop or conference is not yet justified.
- Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems in Logic Programming: Theory, Application, and Issues
Coordinators: F. Sadri, F. Toni, S. Rochefort - Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages Coordinator: E. Pontelli
- Workshop on Optimization and Implementation of Declarative Programming Languages
Coordinator: M. Leuschel - Workshop on Verification in Logic Programs Coordinators: J-G. Smaus, S. Etalle
- Workshop on Logical Inference with Artificial Neural Networks
Coordinators: M. de Gregorio, P. Machado Vieira Lima - Workshop on Logic Programming Environments Coordinators: M. Ducasse, T. Kusalik
- Workshop on Distributed and Internet Programming with Logic and Constraint Languages
Coordinators: P. Van Roy, P. Tarau
Program Chair
Danny De Schreye, KU Leuven, Belgium
Conference Chair
Gopal Gupta, NMSU
Workshop Chair
Enrico Pontelli, NMSU
Program Committee:
Annalisa Bossi, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy Mats Carlsson, SICS, Sweden Philippe Codognet, INRIA, France Veronica Dahl, Simon Fraser University, Canada Andrew Davison, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Maria Garcia de la Banda, Monash University, Australia Bart Demoen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Danny De Schreye, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Jurgen Dix, University of Koblenz, Germany Burkhard Freitag, University of Passau, Germany Gopal Gupta, NMSU Michael Hanus, RWTH Aachen, Germany Steffen Holldobler, University of Dresden, Germany Andy King, University of Kent, UK Fariba Sadri, Imperial College, UK Giorgio Levi, Università di Pisa, Italy Dale Miller, Penn State University, USA Luis Moniz Pereira, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Raghu Ramakrishnan, Univeristy of Winsconsin, USA Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia Mirek Truszczynski, University of Kentucky, USA Kasunori Ueda, Wased University, Japan Pascal Van Hentenryck Universitè Catholique Louvain, Belgium Peter Van Roy, Universitè Catholique Louvain, Belgium Andrei Voronkov, Uppsala University, Sweden