Please use the TPLP citation in your papers, not the arXiv/corr one!
Volume 13 – Issue 01
- Relating weight constraint and aggregate programs: Semantics and representation. GUOHUA LIU and JIA-HUAI YOU, pp 1-31
- Semantics for Possibilistic Disjunctive Programs. JUAN CARLOS NIEVES and MAURICIO OSORIO and ULISES CORTÉS, pp 33-70
- Representation sharing for Prolog. PHUONG-LAN NGUYEN and BART DEMOEN, pp 71-106
- Interdefinability of defeasible logic and logic programming under the well-founded semantics. FREDERICK MAIER, pp 107-142
- Book Review: Thinking as Computation: a first course. By Hector J. Levesque, reviewed by Mirosława Miłkowska, pp 143-145
Volume 13 issue 02 – Special Issue on the 25th Annual GULP Conference
- Introduction to the Special Issue on the 25th Annual GULP Conference.
Wolfgang Faber and Nicola Leone, pp. 147-148 - Autonomous Agents Coordination: Action Languages meet CLP(FD) and Linda
Agostino Dovier, Andrea Formisano, Enrico Pontelli, pp. 149-173. - Generalization strategies for the verification of infinite state systems
Fabio Fioravanti, Alberto Pettorossi, Maurizio Proietti, Valerio Senni, pp. 175-199. - Reasoning about actions with temporal answer sets
Laura Giordano, Alberto Martelli, Daniele Theseider Duprè, pp. 201-225. - Consistent Query Answering via ASP from Different Perspectives: Theory and Practice.
Marco Manna, Francesco Ricca, Giorgio Terracina, pp. 227-252. - Parallel Instantiation of ASP Programs: Techniques and Experiments.
Simona Perri, Francesco Ricca, Marco Sirianni, pp. 253-278. - Well-definedness and efficient inference for probabilistic logic programming under the distribution semantics.
Fabrizio Riguzzi, Terrance Swift, pp. 279-302.
Volume 13 – Issue 03
- Finding similar/diverse solutions in answer set programming.
THOMAS EITER, ESRA ERDEM, HALIT ERDOGAN and MICHAEL FINK, pp. 303-359 - Expressiveness of communication in answer set programming
KIM BAUTERS, STEVEN SCHOCKAERT, JEROEN JANSSEN, DIRK VERMEIR and MARTINE DE COCK, pp. 361-394 - Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs and f-hybrid knowledge bases.
Volume 13 – Special Issue 04-05 (29th International Conference on Logic Programming)
Regular papers
- Editorial: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming special issue
EVELINA LAMMA and TERRANCE SWIFT, pp. 465-470 - Detection and exploitation of functional dependencies for model generation
BROES DE CAT and MAURICE BRUYNOOGHE, pp. 471-485 - The jobs puzzle: Taking on the challenge via controlled natural language processing
ROLF SCHWITTER, pp. 487-501 - Lloyd-Topor completion and general stable models
VLADIMIR LIFSCHITZ and FANGKAI YANG, pp. 503-515 - Stable model semantics for founded bounds
REHAN ABDUL AZIZ and GEOFFREY CHU and PETER J. STUCKEY, pp. 517-532 - Delimited continuations for prolog
TOM SCHRIJVERS and BART DEMOEN and BENOIT DESOUTER and JAN WIELEMAKER, pp. 533-546 - ASP with non-herbrand partial functions: a language and system for practical use
MARCELLO BALDUCCINI, pp. 547-561 - Disjunctive logic programs with existential quantification in rule heads
JIA-HUAI YOU and HENG ZHANG and YAN ZHANG, pp 563-578 - Relative expressiveness of defeasible logics II
MICHAEL J. MAHER, pp. 579-592 - Failure tabled constraint logic programming by interpolation
GRAEME GANGE and JORGE A. NAVAS and PETER SCHACHTE and HARALD SØNDERGAARD and PETER J. STUCKEY, pp. 593-607 - A declarative extension of horn clauses, and its significance for datalog and its applications
MIRJANA MAZURAN and EDOARDO SERRA and CARLO ZANIOLO, pp 609-623 - Using sequential runtime distributions for the parallel speedup prediction of SAT local search
ALEJANDRO ARBELAEZ and CHARLOTTE TRUCHET and PHILIPPE CODOGNET, pp 625-639 - Business process verification with constraint temporal answer set programming
LAURA GIORDANO and ALBERTO MARTELLI and MATTEO SPIOTTA and DANIELE THESEIDER DUPRÉ, pp 641-655 - SeaLion: An eclipse-based IDE for answer-set programming with advanced debugging support
PAULA-ANDRA BUSONIU and JOHANNES OETSCH and JÖRG PÜHRER and PETER SKOČOVSKÝ and HANS TOMPITS, pp. 657-673 - Minimal intervention strategies in logical signaling networks with ASP
ROLAND KAMINSKI and TORSTEN SCHAUB and ANNE SIEGEL and SANTIAGO VIDELA, pp 675-690 - Compiling Input* FO(·) inductive definitions into tabled prolog rules for IDP3
JOACHIM JANSEN and ALBERT JORISSEN and GERDA JANSSENS, pp 691-704 - A practical analysis of non-termination in large logic programs
SENLIN LIANG and MICHAEL KIFER, pp 705-719 - A CLP heap solver for test case generation
ELVIRA ALBERT and MARÍA GARCÍA DE LA BANDA and MIGUEL GÓMEZ-ZAMALLOA and JOSÉ MIGUEL ROJAS and PETER STUCKEY, pp 721-735 - Logic programming with function symbols: Checking termination of bottom-up evaluation through program adornments. SERGIO GRECO and CRISTIAN MOLINARO and IRINA TRUBITSYNA, pp 737-752
- Fuzzy answer sets approximations
MARIO ALVIANO and RAFAEL PEÑALOZA, pp 753-767 - Probabilistic legal reasoning in CHRiSM
JON SNEYERS and DANNY DE SCHREYE and THOM FRÜHWIRTH, pp 769-781 - Answer set programming as a modeling language for course timetabling
UDI VÍTOR SANTOS COSTA and DAVID VAZ, pp 799-813 - A declarative approach to distributed computing: Specification, execution and analysis
JIEFEI MA and FRANCK LE and DAVID WOOD and ALESSANDRA RUSSO and JORGE LOBO, pp 815-830 - Finding optimal plans for multiple teams of robots through a mediator: A logic-based approach
ESRA ERDEM and VOLKAN PATOGLU and ZEYNEP G. SARIBATUR and PETER SCHÜLLER and TANSEL URAS, pp 831-846 - Compact serialization of Prolog terms (with catalan skeletons, cantor tupling and Gödel numberings)
PAUL TARAU, pp 847-861 - On the stable model semantics for intensional functions
MICHAEL BARTHOLOMEW and JOOHYUNG LEE, pp 863-876 - Combining decidability paradigms for existential rules
Technical Communications
- Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo Simari and Devon Callahan: Reasoning about Complex Networks: A Logic Programming Approach. tlp2013001.
- Claudia Schulz and Francesca Toni: ABA-Based Answer Set Justification.
tlp2013002. - Edison Mera and Jan Wielemaker: Porting and refactoring Prolog programs: the PROSYN case study. tlp2013003.
- Lunjin Lu: Towards Parametrizing Logic Program Analysis: Two Examples. tlp2013004.
- Werner Nutt, Sergey Paramonov and Ognjen Savković: An ASP Approach to Query Completeness Reasoning. tlp2013005.
- Davide Ancona and Agostino Dovier: co-LP: Back to the Roots. tlp2013006.
- Vivek Nigam, Giselle Reis and Leonardo Lima: Checking Proof Transformations with ASP. tlp2013007.
- Ari Saptawijaya and Luís Moniz Pereira: Tabled Abduction in Logic Programs. tlp2013008.
- Vernon Asuncion, Yan Zhang, Heng Zhang and Yi Zhou: Constructive Circumscription. tlp2013009.
- Amira Zaki, Thom Frühwirth and Slim Abdennadher: Towards Inverse Execution of Constraint Handling Rules. tlp2013010.
- Alejandro Serrano, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, Francisco Bueno and Manuel Hermenegildo: Sized Type Analysis for Logic Programs. tlp2013011.
- Tony Ribeiro, Katsumi Inoue and Gauvain Bourgne: Combining Answer Set Programs for Adaptive and Reactive Reasoning. tlp2013012.
- Arne König and Torsten Schaub: Monitoring and Visualizing Answer Set Solving. tlp2013013.
- Viviana Mascardi and Davide Ancona: Attribute Global Types for Dynamic Checking of Protocols in Logic-based Multiagent Systems. tlp2013014.
- Jianmin Ji, Fangzhen Lin and Jia-Huai You: Computing Loops with at Most One External Support Rule for Basic Logic Programs with Arbitrary Constraint Atoms. tlp2013015.
- Lenz Belzner: Action Programming In Rewriting Logic. tlp2013016.
- Dimitar Shterionov, Theofrastos Mantadelis and Gerda Janssens: Pattern-Based Compaction for ProbLog Inference. tlp2013017.
- Michael Hanus: Adding Plural Arguments to Curry Programs. tlp2013018.
- Pieter Van Hertum, Joost Vennekens, Bart Bogaerts, Jo Devriendt and Marc Denecker: The effects of buying a new car: an extension of the IDP Knowledge Base System. tlp2013019.
- Ana Sofia Gomes and José Júlio Alferes: Extending Transaction Logic with External Actions. tlp2013020.
- Dalal Alrajeh, Rob Miller, Alessandra Russo and Sebastian Uchitel: Reasoning about Triggered Scenarios in Logic Programming. tlp2013021.
- Vinay Chaudhri, Stijn Heymans, Son Tran and Michael Wessel: Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases in Logic Programming. tlp2013022.
- Saadat Anwar, Chitta Baral and Katsumi Inoue: Encoding Petri Nets in Answer Set Programming for Simulation Based Reasoning. tlp2013023.
- Marcello Balduccini and Yuliya Lierler: Integration Schemas for Constraint Answer Set Programming: a Case Study. tlp2013024.
- Amir Aavani, Eugenia Ternovska and David Mitchell: Problem Solving with the Enfragmo System. tlp2013025.
- Said Jabbour, Lakhdar Sais and Yakoub Salhi: A Pigeon-Hole Based Encoding of Cardinality Constraints. tlp2013026.
Doctoral Consortium Contributions
- Marco Gavanelli and Martin Gebser: The ICLP 2013 Doctoral Consortium. tlp2013027.
- Roberto Amadini: Evaluation and Application of Portfolio Approaches in Constraint Programming. tlp2013028.
- Michael Bartholomew: The Role of Functions in the Stable Model Semantics: tlp2013029.
- Sergio Castro: LogicObjects: A Portable and Extensible Approach for Linguistic Symbiosis between an Object-Oriented and a Logic Programming Language. tlp2013030.
- Benoit Desouter: Implementing LP Systems with CP Techniques, tlp2013031.
- Carmine Dodaro: Engineering an Efficient Native ASP Solver, tlp2013032.
- Jorge Fandinno: Algebraic Approach to Causal Logic Programs, tlp2013033.
- Johannes Klaus Fichte: Backdoors to the Tractability of Answer Set Programming, tlp2013034.
- Amelia Harrison: The Semantics of Gringo and Proving Strong Equivalence, tlp2013035.
- Arne König: Visualizing Answer Set Programming, tlp2013036.
- Ari Saptawijaya: Towards Computational Morality with Logic Programming, tlp2013037.
- Claudia Schulz: Argumentation for Answer Set Programming and other Non-monotonic Reasoning Systems, tlp2013038.
- Laura Titolo: An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Languages, tlp2013039.
- Fangkai Yang: Representing Actions in Logic-based Languages, tlp2013040.
Volume 13 issue 06
- Dynamics of Knowledge in DeLP through Argument Theory Change Martin O. Moguillansky, Nicolas D. Rotstein, Marcelo A. Falappa, Alejandro J. Garcia and Guillermo R. Simari, pp. 893-957
- Region-based memory management for Mercury programs
Quan Phan, Gerda Janssens, Zoltan Somogyi, pp. 959-1024