ALP EC Elections

ALP Executive Committee  elections are held every two years: a new president and a number of new members of the EC are elected (entering members are typed in red in the lists below)

A president’s term is two years, and presidents have always served two terms. Members of the EC are elected for four years.

Some data is missing here – let us know if you have details !

1986-1988. President: Keith Clark, Treasurer: Robert Kowalski, Trusstees of the Association: Alain Colmerauer, Kazuhiro Fuchi, Hervè Gallaire, Alan Robinson, Ehud Shapiro, Sten-Ake Tarlund, and David H.D. Warren. Editor of the Bullettin: Luis Moniz Pereira, Executive Editor: Antonio Porto

1989-1992. President:  Hervè Gallaire

1992: EC: Maurice Bruynooghe, Koichi Furukawa, Jean-Louis Lassez, John Lloyd, Ehud Shapiro, David H.D. Warren.

Secretary: Robert Kowalski, Treasurer: Fariba Sadri. Conference Coordinator: Leon Sterling. Conference Budget Auditor: Keith Clark. Newsletter Editor: Andrew Davison.

1993-1996. President: Davis S. Warren

1993: EC: Saumya Debray, Manuel Hermenegildo, Leon Sterling, Pascal van Hentenryck, Krzysztof Apt,  Giorgio Levi, and Dale Miller.

Secretary: Robert Kowalski, Treasurer: fariba Sadri. Conference Coordinator: Leon Sterling. Conference Budget Auditor: Keith Clark. Newsletter Editor: Andrew Davison.

1995: EC: Mats Carlsson,   Maurizio Martelli, Lee Naish, Saumya Debray, Manuel Hermenegildo, Leon Sterling, Pascal van Hentenryck.

Secretary: Robert Kowalski. Treasurer: Francesca Toni. Conference Coordinator: Leon Sterling. Newsletter Editor: Andrew Davison.

1997-2000. President: Krzysztof Apt

1997: EC: Veronica DahlDanny De Schreye,  Joxan JaffarPeter Szeredi, Mats Carlsson, Maurizio Martelli, Lee Naish.

Secretary: Robert Kowalski, Treasurer and Conference Budget Auditor: Francesca Toni, Newsletter Editor: Andrew Davison.

1999: EC: Philippe Codognet,   Catuscia PalamidessiPeter Stuckey, Veronica Dahl,  Danny De Schreye,  Joxan Jaffar, and Peter Szeredi.

Secretary: Robert Kowalski, Treasurer and Conference Budget Auditor: Francesca Toni, Conference Coordinator: Veronica Dahl, Newsletter Editor: Patricia Hill.

2001-2004. President: Veronica Dahl

2001: EC (to check) Maurizio Gabrielli, Bart Demoen, Manuel Hermenegildo, Vladimir Lifschitz, Philippe Codognet,   Catuscia Palamidessi,  Peter Stuckey. Secretary: Robert Kowalski, Treasurer and Conference Budget Auditor: Francesca Toni, Conference Coordinator: Gopal Gupta.

2003: (elections in Oct 2002)   Sandro EtalleGopal GuptaMirek Truszczynski, Danny De Schreye,  Joxan Jaffar and Peter Szeredi

2005-2009. President: Manuel Hermenegildo.

2005: (elections in 2004) EC: Ilkka Niemela, Dale Miller, Maria Garcia de la Banda,  Enrico Pontelli,  Sandro Etalle,  Gopal Gupta, Mirek Truszczynski,

The ALP skipped the elections to be held in 2006: subsequent elections and starting dates of terms have shifted by one year. The people on the board stayed on for another year as well.

Jan 2008: the elections were held late (in 2008). EC: John Gallagher, Agostino Dovier, Torsten Schaub, Ilkka Niemela, Dale Miller, Enrico Pontelli, and Maria Garcia de la Banda

Gopal Gupta has kindly accepted to continue for a couple of years as Conference Coordinator.

2010-2014 President: Gopal Gupta.

Manuel Carro replaces Gopal Gupta as conference coordinator.

2010: (elections in Jan 2010). EC: Evelina Lamma, Vitor Santos Costa, Tom Schrijvers, Terrance Swift, John Gallagher, Agostino Dovier,  and Torsten Schaub.

Agostino Dovier will co-edit the ALP Newsletter  together with Enrico Pontelli.

2012:  (elections in Jan/Feb 2012): EC: Thomas Eiter, Francesca Toni, Michael Leuschel, Evelina Lamma, Vitor Santos Costa, Tom Schrijvers, and Terrance Swift.

2014-2019 President: Torsten Schaub.

2014:  (elections in Jan/Feb 2014): EC: Alessandro Dal Palù, Ricardo Rocha, Paul Tarau, Jan Wielemaker, Thomas Eiter, Francesca Toni, Michael Leuschel.

June 2016: Marco Gavanelli replaces Manuel Carro as conference coordinator.

The ALP skipped the elections to be held in 2017: subsequent elections and starting dates of terms have shifted by one year. The people on the board stayed on for another year as well.

2019-2024 President: Thomas Eiter. (pro-term in 2019, re-elected 2022)

2018-2020: (elections in Jun/Jul 2018): EC: Esra Erdem, Nicola Leone, German Vidal, Alessandro Dal Palù, Ricardo Rocha, Paul Tarau, Jan Wielemaker.

2020-2022: (elections in Jun/Jul 2020): EC: Andrea Formisano, Jose-F Morales, Tran Cao Son, Yuliya Lierler, Esra Erdem, Nicola Leone, German Vidal.

2022-2024: (election in August 2022): EC: Stefania Costantini, Francesco Ricca, Alessandra Russo, Andrea Formisano, Jose-F Morales, Tran Cao Son, Yuliya Lierler

2024-Present President: Enrico Pontelli (elected 2024)

2024-Present: (election in August 2024): EC: Pedro Cabalar, Martin Gebser, Laura Giordano, Theresa Swift, Stefania Costantini, Francesco Ricca, Alessandra Russo.