Editorial, March 2016

Dear LPers,

Welcome to the March 2016 issue of your ALP newsletter.

The operation and success of our Newsletter is due to the contributions of a dedicated group of people, that compose its Editorial Board. The Board is renewed every two years, offering the opportunity for fresh ideas and contributions to be brought to the benefit of the ALP community.

We have completed the appointments of the 2016-17 Editorial Board and we are excited to announce the new team. You can find the complete list of Editors in the dedicated section of our web site. In particular:

  • The area of Constraint Programming and Constraint Logic Programming will be in the capable hands of Roman Barták and Andrea Formisano
  • For the growing domain of Multi-Agent Systems, where LP techniques have become essential, we will rely on the expertise of João Leite and Matteo Baldoni
  • The area of Applications will be handled by Gerhard Friedrich and Paolo Torroni, who have done outstanding work on using LP to address problems in a diversity of areas
  • Inductive Logic Programming is a field that is still going strong; the ALP Newsletter team will benefit from the expertise of James Cussens and Fabrizio Riguzzi
  • Alessandra Mileo joins our returning Francesco Ricca in coordinating the activities in the area of Database Systems and Semantic Web
  • The area of Implementations and Systems will be coordinated by Martin Gebser and Jose Morales
  • Knowledge Representation and Non-Monotonic Reasoning will be coordinated by Marcello Balduccini and Yuliya Lierler
  • Two new team members will assist with the activities in the area of Analysis and Verification: German Vidal and Samir Genaim
  • The important contributions in Foundations will be handled by the team of Pedro Cabalar and Mario Alviano
  • Last but not least, the returning Paolo Baldan and Roberto Bruni will assist with the contributions in Games and Puzzles.

Once again, we would like to express our most sincere THANK YOU to the past members of the editorial board, and we welcome the new team members.

You probably already read the two contribution of this issue that are on-line from a month, namely the Probabilistic Logic Programming Tutorial by Giuseppe Cota and Fabrizio Riguzzi and the paper NoHR: A Protégé Plugin for Polynomial Querying of Ontologies and Non-Monotonic Rules by Mattias Knorr and Joao Leite.

Finally, please don’t forget that ICLP deadlines are upon us – send your best submissions as soon as possible and please join us in New York for what will be an amazing logic programming event.


Agostino and Enrico