Dear LPers,
welcome to the December issue of Your newsletter. As we approach the joyous holiday season, we wish to contribute to the festivities by bringing you some exciting news from the logic programming world.
First of all, we are sure you want to put under the Christmas tree a copy of the new book by Neng-Fa Zhou, Hakan Kjellerstrand and Jonathan Fruhman on Constraint Solving and Planning with Picat (Springer 2015). It is an exciting review of the Picat language illustrated through a variety of excellent applications.
The editor in chief of TPLP, Mirek Truszczynski, reports the community some important changes in our favourite journal. In particular, publication times will be further shortened, and thematic special issues or survey papers will be encouraged. As a matter of fact, we have now a CFP for a special issue on “New Trends of Constraint Logic Programming” (see the post in this issue). You are still in time for a contribution. Ask the guest editor if you need extra time.
The newsletter contains two contributed articles. In “What is the Semantics of your SPARQL Extension?”, Harald Beck, Minh Dao-Tran and Thomas Eiter explore the important problem of providing a semantic foundation to extensions of the SPARQL query language, with particular emphasis on RDF stream processing. In “OOASP: Connecting Object-Oriented and Logic Programming”, Falkner, Ryabokon, Schenner and Shchekotykhin describe a framework that embeds ASP in an object-oriented software development process.
The ALP newsletter is made possible through the tireless work of an editorial board, composed of renowned experts that assist the editor in the selection of contributions to be published. Following an established protocol, every 2 years we rotate membership to the editorial board. We would like to express our sincere ‘Thank You!’ to the current members of the editorial board. The new editorial board will be announced in the March 2016 issue of the newsletter.
Once again, thank you for the support you provide to the newsletter and to the ALP community. We look forward your comments, contributions, suggestions and criticisms. And on behalf of the Editors, the Editorial Board, and the ALP Executive Committee, we extend our most sincere wishes of Happy Holidays.
Agostino and Enrico

Editors’ selfie, with a well-known intruder 🙂