By Agostino Dovier and Enrico Pontelli
Month: December 2014
Book Announcement: The Deductive Spreadsheet by Iliano Cervesato
Book Announcement: The Deductive Spreadsheet by Iliano Cervesato. CMU @ Quatar Campus
AspCcgTk: Towards Syntactic Parsing with Semantic Disambiguation by Means of Declarative Programming
By Yuliya Lierler and Peter Schüller. Communicated by Paul Tarau.
Semantics at Scale: When Distributional Semantics meets Logic Programming
By André Freitas and João C. Pereira da Silva. Communicated by Alessandra Mileo and Thomas Kreenwalner
Automatic Integration of Hybrid Java-Prolog Entities with LogicObjects
Communicated by Paul Tarau
CFP: RuleML 2015
Communicated by Fariba Sadri, IC London, (co-chair)