CILC 2012 – a quick report

CILC 2012, the 27th Italian Meeting on Logic Programming (and Computational Logic) was hosted by the  Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale “A. Ruberti” of the University of Roma “La Sapienza” from June 6 to 7 2012 (partially co-located with other events in the area such as DL2012, KR2012, and so on). Perfectly organized by Fabio Patrizi and by Francesca Alessandra Lisi (that we woucld like to thank), the symposium was, as usual, a friendly place where presenting new or already (recently) published material in our area. This is one of the rare moments where italian researchers can discuss their research using their native language, and this creates a particular and exciting athmosphere. The meeting benefited from the invited talk of Umberto Straccia on Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages and of 22 research papers. Original papers have been published in the Volume 857 of  CEUR; all the slides and other info can be found from the conference website:

The meeting concluded with the GULP member assembly where, in particular, the  president Gianfranco Rossi communicated the end of his second term and his willigness to leave this duty to other  GULP members. We really thank Gianfranco, as well as his “vice” Alberto Pettorossi, and the “secretary” Paolo Torroni for the precious work they have done for our community. Let’s hope that the next president will have the energy of pursuing the directions they took on.