CFP: Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming (DAMP’12)


Deadline: October 22, 2011

The advent of multicore architectures has profoundly increased the importance of research in parallel computing. Multicore architectures, now commonplace throughout the market, introduce several new dimensions of variability in both performance guarantees and architectural contracts, such as the memory model, while making it highly attractive and even necessary to develop novel programming languages, models, and paradigms for taking advantage of the benefits of parallelism.

Programs written in declarative languages, which control the use of side effects, can greatly simplify development of parallel programs by eliminating or limiting data races.  Such languages include purely functional languages, (constraint-) logic programming languages, many data-driven or reactive languages, and other domain specific languages (e.g., MapReduce).

DAMP 2012 is the seventh in a series of one-day workshops seeking to explore ideas in declarative programming language design that will greatly simplify programming for multicore architectures, and more generally for tightly coupled parallel architectures.  Starting this year, we welcome papers on a diverse set of topics ranging from language design to applications and practical experience.  To foster discussion and enable exchange of ideas between different communities, we will accept both short and long papers.  Short papers aim to provide an opportunity to receive feedback on incomplete, ongoing, or even failed work. We welcome reports of successes as well as failures.

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

  • language and compiler design and implementation
  • run-time systems for supporting parallelism (e.g., garbage collection, scheduling)
  • parallel applications and practical experience
  • architectural support for parallel languages
  • type systems and analysis for accurately detecting dependencies, aliasing, side effects, and impure features
  • languages for the description of data placement and distribution
  • technology for debugging parallel programs
  • design and implementation of domain-specific declarative languages for multicore programming

We welcome both short and long communications.  Long papers should not exceed 10 pages in ACM SIGPLAN conference format. Short papers should not exceed 4 pages, and may present work-in-progress, position statements on the state of the art, describe applications of existing systems, or just present proposals for discussion at the workshop.  Somewhat unconventionally, we would like to welcome all researchers to consider submitting papers not just on their successful results, but also on their failed attempts with an emphasis on the reasons for failure and what lessons can be learned from them.

Both long and short communications will be refereed.  Long communications will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Short communications will be made available informally at the DAMP web site but will not be published.

Electronic submission can be made at:

Papers to be published in the ACM Digital Library must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy:

Namely, concurrent submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals, or similar forums of publication are not allowed.

Additional information  about the submission process can be found at the conference web site.

Important dates:
Paper submission:        Oct. 22
Notification to authors: Nov. 12
Camera ready:            Nov. 22

Program Chair:
Vitor Santos Costa
University of Porto

General Chair:
Umut Acar
Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany

Program Committee:
Umut Acar              Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Guy Blelloch              Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Maria Garcia de la Banda  Monash University, Australia
Manuel Carro              IMDEA Software Institute and UPM, Spain
Kevin Hammond             University of St Andrews, UK
Leaf Petersen             Intel Corporation, USA
Enrico Pontelli           State University of New Mexico (USA)
Christian Schulte         KTH – Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Mary Sheeran,               Chalmers Univ of Technology
Ashwin Srinivasan         South Asian Univ, India
Terry Swift               Centria and John Hopkins, USA
Lukasz Ziarek              Purdue University, USA