Concurrent Programming Constructs and First-Class Logic Engines

By Paul Tarau
University of North Texas
[email protected]


Multi-threading has been adopted in today’s Prolog implementations as it became widely available in implementation languages like C or Java.

An advantage of multi-threading over more declarative concurrency models like various AND-parallel and OR-parallel execution schemes, is that it maps to the underlying hardware directly: on typical multi-core machines threads and processes are mapped to distinct CPUs. Another advantage is that a procedural multi-threading API can tightly control thread creation and thread reuse.

On the other hand, the explicit use of a procedural multi-threading API breaks the declarative simplicity of the execution model of logic based languages. At the same time it opens a Pandora’s box of timing and execution order dependencies, resulting in performance overheads for various runtime structures that need to be synchronized.

In this note we emphasize the decoupling of the multi-threading API and the logic engine operations and encapsulation of multi-threading in a set of high-level primitives with a declarative flavor.

Our guiding architectural principle can be stated concisely as follows: separate concurrency for performance from concurrency for expressiveness. Arguably, it is a good fit with the general idea behind declarative programming languages – delegate as much low level detail to underlying implementation as possible rather than burdening the programmer with complex control constructs.

We have implemented it in the context of a Java-based system called Lean-Prolog, centered around first-class logic engines providing an API that supports reentrant instances of the language processor and can express control, metaprogramming and interoperation with stateful objects and external services.

First-class logic engines as answer generators

Our language constructs have evolved progressively into a practical Prolog implementation framework starting with [1] and continued with [2], [3] and [4].

A first-class logic engine is simply a language processor reflected through an API that allows its computations to be controlled interactively from another engine very much the same way a programmer controls Prolog’s interactive toplevel loop: launch a new goal, ask for a new answer, interpret it, react to it. Logic engines are seen, in an object oriented-style, as implementing the interface Interactor. This supports a uniform interaction mechanism with a variety of objects ranging from logic engines to file/socket streams and iterators over external data structures.

The ask_interactor/2 operation is used to retrieve successive answers generated by an Interactor, on demand. It is also responsible for actually triggering computations in the engine. The query

ask_interactor(Interactor, AnswerInstance)

tries to harvest the answer computed from Goal, as an instance of AnswerPattern. If an answer is found, it is returned as the(AnswerInstance), otherwise the atom no is returned. Note that bindings are not propagated to the original Goal or AnswerPattern when ask_interactor/2 retrieves an answer, i.e. AnswerInstance is obtained by first standardizing apart (renaming) the variables in Goal and AnswerPattern, and then backtracking over its alternative answers in a separate Prolog interpreter. Therefore, backtracking in the caller interpreter does not interfere with Interactor’s iteration over answers. Backtracking over Interactor’s creation point, as such, makes it unreachable and therefore subject to garbage collection.

With a semantics similar to the yield return construct of C# and the yield operation of Ruby


saves the state of the engine and transfer control and a result Term to its client. The client will receive a copy of Term simply by using its ask_interactor/2 operation.

By using a sequence of return and ask_interactor operations, an engine can provide a stream of intermediate/final results to its client. The mechanism is powerful enough to implement a complete exception handling mechanism simply by defining

throw(E) :- return(exception(E)).

When combined with a catch(Goal, Exception, OnException), on the client side, the client can decide, upon reading the exception with ask_interactor/2, if it wants to handle it or to throw it to the next level.

Coroutining logic engines

Coroutining has been in use in Prolog systems mostly to implement constraint programming extensions. The typical mechanism involves attributed variables holding suspended goals that may be triggered by changes in the instantiation state of the variables. Our focus, however, is on a different form of coroutining, induced by the ability to switch back and forth between engines. The operations described so far allow an engine to return answers from any point in its computation sequence. The next step is to enable another engine, that uses an engine’s services to inject new
goals (executable data) to an arbitrary inner context of an engine [4]. This is achieved using two built-ins

to_engine(Engine, Data)

that is called by another engine communicating Data to this engine, and


that is called by the engine itself to receive a client’s Data.

Hubs and threads

As a key difference with typical multi-threaded Prolog implementations like Ciao-Prolog [5] and SWI-Prolog [6], our Interactor API is designed up front with a clear separation between engines and threads seen as orthogonal language constructs.

To ensure that communication between logic engines running concurrently is safe and synchronized, we hide the engine handle and provide a producer/consumer data exchanger object, called a Hub, when multi-threading.

A Hub can be seen as an interactor used to synchronize threads. On the Prolog side it is introduced with a constructor hub/1 and works with the standard interactor API:

ask_interactor(Hub, Term)

tell_interactor(Hub, Term)


On the Java side, each instance of the Hub class provides a synchronizer between M producers and N consumers. A Hub supports data exchanges through a private object port and it implements the Interactor interface. Consumers issue ask_interactor/2 operations that correspond to tell_interactor/2 operations issued by producers.

A group of related threads are created around a Hub that provides both basic synchronization and data exchange services using the built-in:

new_logic_thread(Hub, X, G)

They share the code areas but duplicate symbol tables to allow independent symbol
creation and symbol garbage collection without the need to synchronize or suspend
thread execution.

High-level concurrency with higher-order constructs

Encapsulating concurrent execution patterns in high-level abstractions, when
performance gains are the main reason for using multiple threads, avoids forcing a
programmer to suddenly deal with complex procedural issues when working with
(mostly) declarative constructs in a language like Prolog. It is also our experience
that in an exclusively dynamically-typed language like Prolog this reduces software
risks significantly.

One of the deficiencies of sequential or multi-threaded findall-like operations is
that they might build large lists of answers unnecessarily. With inspiration drawn
from combinators in functional languages, one can implement a more flexible
multi-threaded fold operation instead.

The predicate multi_fold(F, XGs, Xs) runs a list of goals XGs of the form Xs :- G and combines, with F, their answers, to accumulate them into a single final result, without building intermediate lists.

multi_fold(F, XGs, Final) :- hub(Hub),

launch_logic_threads(XGs, Hub),
ask_interactor(Hub, Answer),
(Answer = the(Init) -> fold_thread_results(ThreadCount, Hub, F, Init, Final)
; true

The predicate multi_fold relies on the predicate launch_logic_threads to run
threads initiated by the goal list XGs. When launching the threads, we ensure that
they share the same Hub for communication and synchronization.

launch_logic_threads([], _Hub).

launch_logic_threads([(X :- G)|Gs], Hub) :-

new_logic_thread(Hub, X, G),
launch_logic_threads(Gs, Hub).

Once all threads are launched, we use the predicate fold_thread_results to collect
results computed by various threads from Hub, and to combine them into a single
result, while keeping track of the number of threads that have finished their

fold_thread_results(0, _Hub, _F, Best, Best).

fold_thread_results(ThreadCount, Hub, F, SoFar, Best) :- ThreadCount > 0,

ask_interactor(Hub, Answer),

count_thread_answer(Answer, ThreadCount, ThreadsLeft, F, SoFar, Better),
fold_thread_results(ThreadsLeft, Hub, F, Better, Best).

count_thread_answer(no, ThreadCount, ThreadsLeft, _F, SoFar, SoFar) :-

ThreadsLeft is ThreadCount-1.

count_thread_answer(the(X), ThreadCount, ThreadCount, F, SoFar, Better) :-

call(F, X, SoFar, Better).

A typical application is the predicate multi_best(F, XGs, M), which runs a list of goals XGs of the form N :- G where N is instantiated to a numeric value. By using max/3 to combine the current best answers with a candidate one it extracts at the the maximum M of all answers computed (in an arbitrary order) by all threads.

multi_best(XGs,R) :- multi_fold(max,XGs,R).

Note that, as in the case of its fold cousins in functional languages, multi_fold can be used to emulate various other higher order predicates. For instance, a concurrent findall-like predicate is emulated as multi_all(XGs,Xs) which runs a list of goals XGs of the form Xs :- G and combines all answers to a list using list_cons.

multi_all(XGs, Rs) :- multi_fold(list_cons,[([] :- true)|XGs],Rs).

list_cons(X, Xs, [X|Xs]).

A different pattern arises from combinatorial search algorithms where one wants to stop multiple threads as soon as a first solution is found.

The predicate multi_first(K, XGs, Xs) runs each goal of the form Xs :- G on the list XGs, until the first K answers Xs are found (or fewer, if less then K answers exist). It uses a very simple mechanism built into Lean Prolog’s multi-threading API:
when a Hub interactor is stopped, all threads associated to it are notified to terminate.

multi_first(K, XGs, Xs) :- hub(Hub),

length(XGs, ThreadCount),

launch_logic_threads(XGs, Hub),

% code similar to fold_thread_results

collect_first_results(K, ThreadCount, Hub, Xs),

In particular, searching for at most one solution is possible:

multi_first(XGs,X) :- multi_first(1,XGs,[X]).

Note also that multi_first provides an alternative to using CUT in Prolog as a means to limit search, while supporting a scalable mechanism for concurrent execution.


By decoupling logic engines and threads, programming language constructs can be kept simple when their purpose is clear – multi-threading for performance is separated from concurrency for expressiveness. Our language constructs are particularly well-suited to take advantage of today’s multi-core architectures where keeping busy the actual parallel execution units results in predictable performance gains, while reducing the software risks coming from more complex concurrent execution mechanisms.

The current version of LeanProlog containing the implementation of the constructs discussed in this note, and a few related papers are available at


We thank NSF (research grant 1018172) for support.


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