Call for Participation: The 7th REASONING WEB Summer School (RW 2011)

The 7th REASONING WEB Summer School (RW 2011)
23 – 27 August 2011

co-located with the
5th Int’l Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2011)
Galway, Ireland

The Reasoning Web Summer School 2011 is primarily intended for  postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, and other young researchers investigating aspects related to Reasoning on the Semantic Web and related issues. The Summer School will also be open to senior  researchers wishing to learn about Semantic Web issues related to their own fields of research.

For further details please visit

As in the previous years, we managed again to attract a distinguished group of expert lecturers, the majority of which will – apart from their lectures – also be  present for the duration of the school to interact with students.

Interaction with senior researchers and establishing contacts within young researchers is a main focus of the school, which will be supported through social activities and an interactive, amicable  atmosphere.

This year’s summer school will be co-located with the 5th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2011), 29-30 Aug, cf. which is a great opportunity to attend a major conference in the area directly subsequent  to the school.


  1. Ontologies and Rules Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University)
  2. Using SPARQL with RDFS and OWL entailment  Birte Glimm (Oxford University)
  3. Introduction to Linked Data,  Sˆren Auer (University of Leibzig)
  4. Scalable OWL2 Reasoning for Linked Data Jeff Pan (University of Aberdeen),  Aidan Hogan (National Unviersity of Ireland, Galway)
  5. Trust Management Methodologies for the Web  Denis Trcek (University of Ljubljana)
  6. Models for the Web of Data Claudio Gutierrez (Universidad de Chile)
  7. Database foundations for scalable RDF processing  Katja Hose, Martin Theobald, Ralf Schenkel,  Gerhard Weikum (Max Planck Institut)
  8. Probabilistic Reasoning for Semantic Web Applications. Heiner Stuckenschmidt,  Mathias Niepert (Universit‰t Mannheim)
  9. Foundations of Description Logics Sebastian Rudolph (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  10. Rules and Logic Programming for the Web  Adrian Paschke (Freie Universit‰t Berlin)
  11. Scalabe non-standard reasoning on the Semantic Web Abraham Bernstein (University of Zurich)
  12. An Introduction to Constraint Programming and  Combinatorial Optimisation Barry O’Sullivan (University College Cork, Ireland)

The number of attendees will be limited, applications for participation have to be made via Easychair using the following URL:

The programme of the school will include a poster session where students can present and discuss their ongoing research with  lecturers and colleagues. Applications shall include a remark on  whether a poster will be presented along with a short abstract.

Applications should be submitted in PDF format not exceeding 2 pages (min. font size 11pt) and contain the following information:

  • Name, contact details
  • Affiliation
  • Motivation for participation
  • Summary of profile
  • Willing to present a poster?  (yes/no, if yes, include a short poster abstract)
  • Supervisor (if applicable)
  • Publications (if applicable)

*** Application Deadline:  30 April 2011 ***
*** Notifications:         15 May   2011 ***

Details of the registration process will be announced on the Web site, after the application deadline. As in previous years we will keep the registration fee moderate (between 400 and 500 EUR) and provide reasonable accomodation packages  (less than 50 EUR per night).

As in previous years, the course material used during the summer school will be published with Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A copy of the proceedings will be included in the registration fees.

Claudia d’Amato,  Universit· degli Studi di Bari, Italy
Marcelo Arenas, PUC Chile, Santiago, Chile
Siefried Handschuh DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway
Paula Lavinia Kroner SKYTEC AG, Germany
Sascha Ossowski Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Peter Patel-Schneider Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs, USA
Axel Polleres DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway

For further information including sponsorship opportunities, please contact  the local organisers:
Axel Polleres (
Siegfried Handschuh (